Definitions of Marriage


Marriage is called the act and consequence of getting married (getting married). The term can refer to the ceremony that is also known as a wedding or the contract established by the members of the couple.

For example: “The wedding of the singer and the actress will take place next week”, “Last night Nicolás asked me to marry him: he did it in the middle of a romantic dinner we had by the river”, “The wedding should be for life: that’s why you have to think carefully before making the decision to get married ”.

Marriage marks the beginning of a marriage: the union of two people through certain rituals or legal procedures. That is why it is possible to differentiate between religious marriage and civil marriage.

Generally, marriage implies that the people who marry declare, before an authority, their intention to contract a marriage bond. In a Catholic wedding, to name one option, consent is given before a priest. The rite also includes the exchange of rings (alliances).

The authority that can make a civil marriage, on the other hand, is a judge. In this case, the couple must sign a document registering the will to marry. You also have to present witnesses to the proceedings in question.

As for a civil marriage, the marriage can be dissolved through a process called divorce. This process establishes the separation of the members of the couple, who stop having the obligations that married life entails. Catholic marriage, on the other hand, cannot be broken, so couples can only de facto separate.

Marriage is a very common component of life in society, although there is an increasingly numerous group of people who oppose this type of bond, either actively or simply making it clear that it does not seem necessary to share your life with another person.

The nuances in this issue are many and varied, since there are also those who refuse to live with their “other half”, in addition to those who do not even want to be with a partner or lead a sexually active life.

Living beings should live in absolute freedom, within the framework imposed by nature itself: no species should prevent the others from developing freely and naturally; the human being, needless to say, does not meet this degree of compassion, since he has become an expert in using others. Marriage is one of the rituals that divide society into various groups, and many times it leads to confrontations that go beyond the limits of the absurd.

Without going into divorce, one of the most frequent “consequences” of marriage, opinions about who can marry are often the subject of arguments that can lead to violence, both physical and verbal. Among the most current are links between homosexual people, since for some individuals they should not be allowed.

In short, marriage is a type of bond that we should all have the right to make with the person we love, but also one that we should be able to avoid if we are not interested. It is very likely that if it were not for the propaganda that Hollywood has been doing for decades, through its irresistible and corny love movies, millions of people would not dream of big weddings.

With regard to fidelity, it is expected that it is a fundamental part of marriage, that from the moment of marriage each party maintains strict limits regarding physical contact with other people; in reality, however, deception appears to be commonplace, which is why divorces are so prevalent in modern life.
