Definitions of Sustainable Development

Sustainable Development

The idea of ​​development refers to progress, advance or growth. Sustainable, on the other hand, is what can be sustained with its own arguments.

With these definitions, we can focus on the concept of sustainable development, which is also known as sustainable development: it is development that can be sustained for a long time without harming the environment or depleting resources. This means that development can be sustained or sustained by itself without affecting the environment or third parties.

In general, the concept of sustainable development is used in the fields of ecology and economy. Sustainable development is a process that can last since it does not cause the depletion of available resources and, therefore, its permanence does not affect future generations. In other words, sustainable development makes it possible to satisfy current needs without putting the satisfaction of future needs at risk. See Abbreviation Finder for acronyms related to Sustainable Development.

Take the case of a region whose economy is based on the indiscriminate felling of trees and the overexploitation of forest resources. This type of development is not sustainable, since nature is not in a position to quickly regenerate the resources that are used or consumed. Therefore, if this rate continues, at some point there will be no more trees to cut down or land available for cultivation.

On the other hand, a productive activity that does not generate environmental pollution and that is based on the use of wind energy can provide sustainable development. This is due to the fact that the wind does not run out and that the activity in question does not harm the environment: that is why it could continue to be carried out indefinitely.

Sustainable development has as its main goals the reconciliation of the social, economic and environmental aspects of our activities and the definition of projects that are viable, so that we can take advantage of nature’s resources to meet our needs without causing irreparable damage to the environment. ambient. Within this concept, there are three fundamental principles that any person, community or company should take into account: economic sustainability , social sustainability and environmental sustainability.

In the field of sustainable development, we understand economic sustainability as all those activities that are considered profitable and possible from a financial point of view, and that aim to grow the economy of an individual, a community or a company.

On the other hand is social sustainability, which is based on maintaining social cohesion in the pursuit of common goals. These are mainly the efforts to reduce the negative social impact that the activity carried out may cause, while at the same time enhancing its positive impact. It is also linked to the benefits that local communities can receive to improve their living conditions.

To speak of social sustainability, these benefits must reach all members of the human group that is directly or indirectly involved in the activity of sustainable development; For example, in business, you need to include employees, customers, suppliers and the local community, giving each one something they need to improve their lives.

The third of the fundamental pillars of sustainable development is environmental sustainability, a concept that revolves around making the activity and care of ecosystems and biodiversity compatible, to prevent them from being destroyed and stop offering us the necessary resources. Reaching this balance point is not easy, but requires a thorough analysis of the potential impact of the activity, taking into account aspects such as waste and emissions generated.

Sustainable Development